““India has truly grounded me. During the trip, I felt the most hope since my personal tragedy because there was so much love that I received here.””
— Scarlett Lewis, Mother of Jesse Lewis
(Newtown, Connecticut)

““I am going back from India, with such deep knowledge about the self . The meditation exercises have helped me release negative thoughts. There is an inner strength inside us. We need to cultivate that .””
— Ron Davis, Father of Jordan Davis
(Jacksonville, Florida)

““After the trip, I truly understand what ahimsa (nonviolence) means. I am committed to bring the love that I experienced from India to America using my platform in law enforcement.””
— Lt. Lakesha Burton (Jacksonville,Florida)
““I feel very fortunate to have been able to visit India. I can see how the meditative breathing techniques that I learnt on this trip, can be life changing - personally and professionally.””
— Lt. Jim Evenson (Rochester, Minnesota)

““Violence is a challenge that we have to overcome in America . I am leaving India with the hope that love is attainable and can be shared with all our people including immigrants. As Dr. King said, it is either nonviolence or nonexistence.””
— Mayor Ardell Brede (Rochester,Minnesota)
““I am taking back with me new insights that will reinvigorate my personal energy and commitment to apply the principles of nonviolence in my leadership role.””
— Mayor Matthew Avitabile (Middleburg,New York)

““The revolution begins inside each one of us.””
— Jason Quesada, Former gang member (Los Angeles , California)
““The trip to India was a moving experience. It will be inspirational for anyone who wants to move society towards nonviolence and love.””
— Dr. Angela Wellman, Music scholar
(Oakland, California)